Course curriculum
Morning moon practice
Afternoon lecture part one- pranayama and vinyasa krama
Afternoon lecture part two- pranayama
Sandskrit handout
8 Limbs Yamas and Niyamas intro 3.0
Moon asanas
Day One: Additional resources
Morning practice to uplift
morning yogic philosophy including the kleshas
Afternoon Samkhya philosophy
Afternoon part 2- sandskrit and yoga history
Basic Breathing
Pranayama teaching foundations
Pranayama foundations questions
Lesson bundle- history foundations
Mala beads
200 key sandskrit yoga terms
Om mani padme
Exam questions
Day Two: Additional resources
Morning practice- Kundalini meditation and Kriyas
The chakras
Afternoon- sandskrit terms
Afternoon part 2- ethics of teaching and asana catagories
Finding Uddiyana Bandha and building prana
Asana Chart
Day Three: Additional resources
Yoga flow class for strength
Meditations and forward bends teaching methodology
Yoga for depression or SAD syndrome
Afternoon lecture
Forward bends
Quiz forward bends
Day Four: Additional resources
Lateral morning practice to uplift and remove fear
Morning lecture- asanas and how they apply to the sutras
Afternoon- the foundations of asanas, mudras and bandhas
Afternoon part 2- asanas, how to prepare a class, sequencing and sementing
Lesson bundle- asana foundations and catagories
Questions on laterals
Morning Practice- yin yoga, chandra bhedana, vyana vayu meditation
The gunas, the elements, the 3 touchstones of practice
Afternoon lecture 1- the doshas and how to apply your practice to your teachings
Teaching skills and safety
Moonology- Full moon in Leo
Lesson bundle- student safety
Teaching skills
Day Six: Additional Resources

About this course
- £1,300.00
- 152 lessons
- 63.5 hours of video content