Course curriculum

    1. An introduction to the course

    2. How to use this course

    3. Day one - teen yoga morning practice

    4. Manual

    5. Business Manual for Students - teens

    6. Anatomy exam teens

    7. exam questions teens

    8. ASANAS - stick figures

    1. Understanding Teens

    2. Understanding Teens (part 2)

    3. Eight Limbs of Yoga for Teens

    4. Yogic Philosophy & The Gunas

    5. Teaching Yoga according to the moon cycles

    6. The Chakras for teens

    7. Yoga Class for Teens

    8. The Gunas

    1. Yin Yoga for Teens

    2. Yoga Nidra

    3. Equanimity

    4. Tools to use

    5. Stress & Anxiety - The Nervous System

    6. How to teach Wall Work

    7. How to teach Fore-Arm Balancing

    8. Teen Yoga Class (for emotional fatigue)

    9. Yoga for depression or SAD syndrome

    1. Tween Yoga Class

    2. How to plan & sequence teen yoga classes

    3. Short moon mandala class

    4. Eye Yoga

    5. Ayurveda

    6. What is my dosha

    1. Teaching tips

    2. Chakra Balancing Yoga Sequence

    3. Short yoga class for teens, for happiness

    4. Body Scan Meditation

    5. Distance Tolerance

    6. Meditation to conquer self-animosity

    7. Meditation for a calm heart

    8. Meditation for a restless mind & a meditation for emotional balance

    9. Meditation to conquer self-animosity

    10. Meditation for a calm heart

    11. moon mandala class for teens

    12. Differences between male & females, legal stuff, teaching in schools(0)

    13. Chair yoga for teens

    14. Anatomy - the brain & the endocrine system

    15. Depression & Anxiety

    16. The Changing Body

    17. Body Issues

    18. Addiction

    19. Kundalini Yoga meditations & class(1)

    20. Sequencing - 9 sequences

    21. poems

    22. meditation -gratitude

    23. Teen meditation-friends

    24. What now? How to become fully accredited.

About this course

  • £300.00
  • 55 lessons
  • 19 hours of video content